OwnHammer is the Musical Instruments industry's premier international source for bass and guitar speaker cabinet impulse responses, hailed by professional engineers and guitarists, hobbyists, and major equipment manufacturers alike as both the indisputable top choice and industry gold standard. Our decades of experience in both the artistic and technical side of guitar and music production ensure we understand form and function intimately, and are always setting the bar for both with new and exciting original concepts and executions.

With hundreds of different cabinets and speaker types in our inventory, OwnHammer provides an ever expanding catalog of the most meticulously crafted and easy to use guitar and bass cabinet impulse responses that cover every genre and tonal aesthetic. Additional included turn key solutions like pre-made multi-mic combinations based on techniques used on numerous platinum and gold selling records, simple to use file and folder organization, quick-start selections, and informative documentation make using OwnHammer products a breeze.

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After decades of collecting hundreds of cabinets, the Rock-Box is our own take on a tried and true, often sought but rarely found tone. This enclosure set serves as hosts to a new journey in exploration of all manner of speaker drivers, presented with unique custom mic blends made specifically to compliment this system.

If you find that the phrase "guitar is a midrange instrument" rings true, and you seek to apply that to a large range of styles and sounds, then the Rock-Box is your gateway to tonal nirvana.

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Heavily inspired by the 2010's era New Wave of British Progressive Metal, the tone on tap in the Modern Progressive Essentials is instantly recognizable and undeniably familiar to fans of the genre.

While most at home in post millennium progressive hard rock and metal, this tone filter with its bold yet crunchy midrange will serve well any who seek the harmonious marriage of chunk and clarity.

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Simply a tool that everyone needs in their sonic toolbelt. Taken from the narrow golden era of the early 2000's, the 412 RECT Essentials has every ounce of the unique yet familiar signature sound this cab is known for.

Full yet tight in the lows, authoritative and forward in the mids, slightly smooth on top, with just enough bite to cut through a dense modern mix when paired with the right mic/mix selection, this file set is incredibly versatile and musically diverse.

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Not only is bass guitar the low end foundation of every mix and sonic landscape, it is the backbone of every ensemble that connects and glues rhythm to melody. Its importance simply cannot be understated.

Whether you are a bassist or a guitarist incorporating bass into your arrangements, the AMPG Bass wave audio format impulse response library will give your low end a full, punchy, and clear sound that hits in all the right places, and fills all the right spaces.

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When you want to get LOW low with guitar in the most contemporary styles, the rules about building and sculpting a sound change. The thicker the string and the lower the pitch, the muddier the sound can get.

The Low Tuned Essentials wave audio format impulse response library cleans up the mud, yet provides additional support for lower fundamentals so that tones are clear and detailed, without being harsh or thin, while still full bodied and retaining authority.

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Impulse Response Libraries
Convolution reverb configuration files that measure the linear data of a system, impulse responses of guitar cabinets used to be a geeky niche thing spoken of only on a few internet forums. OwnHammer changed all that, showed the world the power of what can be accomplished with these files, brought it to the mainstream, and changed the future of musical instrument equipment. Find out for yourself why OwnHammer is the industry leader.

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Knowledge Base
Whether you are new to impulse responses or simply want to learn more about the the products we offer and how best to use them, our knowledge base is there to guide you. Ever expanding, blazing new trials, and responsible for setting the vast majority of the various standards upheld by the market that followed, OwnHammer has an incredibly deep understanding of the underpinnings and intricacies of impulse responses and their wide usage.

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Software & Plugins

Currently In Development
Impulse Responses

Fractal Audio Format
Line 6 Format
Wave Audio Format
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