Player Packs

What are they?

First and foremost, the OwnHammer Player Packs are condensed feature set impulse response libraries that are available in external OwnHammer partner webstores, in proprietary file formats (.hir for Line 6 // .syx and .ir for Fractal) for exclusive use in their hardware and software products.

In the use application field for guitar and bass cabinet impulse responses, over time with the emergence and popularity of outboard platforms - be it digital amp modelers or load boxes with impulse response loading capabilities - the majority consumer base has slowly shifted from studio engineers and recordists to performers building their own sounds and taking these not only to the studio but to the stage. With this change in consumer demographic, the feature and option set requirement has also moved from something verbose, complex, and capable of the tiniest variation in nuance for the more technically oriented and experienced user, to the 'grab and go' mentality of the creativity and performance oriented user.

Enter the OwnHammer Player Packs

With a much more simplified presentation, these impulse response libraries offer a scaled back file inclusion list, but leave all of the best parts as well as add some new options to the palette. This way guitarists and recordists who just want to be provided a minimalized but powerful set of IR's can be up and running quickly with the same commercial level sound quality that OwnHammer is known around the globe for.

Using the best hand selected specimens of the industry standard gear used for recording electric guitar, and a file naming language that is quick and intuitive to follow, the Player Packs enable the user to get superior and professional sounding cabinet and speaker impulse response files in their chain in just a couple of clicks. The individual mic placements are set to offer a sweet spot, bright (-B), and dark (-D) option, and the mic mixes are labeled by tonality, none of which are guitar, genre, or gain structure specific. Choose what works best with your taste, signal chain, and use application, and jam away!

Where can I buy them?

Does purchasing these entitle me to any content or discounts from the OwnHammer site?

No, these are separate and unique products exclusively sold and supported by Line 6/Fractal Audio, through financially and operationally independent companies from OwnHammer, and do not translate to anything on the OwnHammer website.

File Inclusion Overview

How are these packs similar and different to libraries on the OwnHammer site?

In each OwnHammer for Line 6 Player Pack library, there are 30 files per speaker: 20 individual microphone capture files, and 10 multi-microphone mix files. Below is a list of the 30 files per speaker, and how they do or do not relate to or overlap with the libraries sold on the OwnHammer website:


57 the same as or very similar to the 57-## in the Quick Start directory
57B the same as or very similar to the 57-FRED/CAP45
57D unique to the Player Packs
87 unique to the Player Packs
87B unique to the Player Packs
87D unique to the Player Packs
121 the same as or very similar to the 121-## in the Quick Start directory
121B unique to the Player Packs
121D unique to the Player Packs
160 the same as or very similar to the 160-## in the Quick Start directory
160B the same as or very similar to the 160-FRED/CAP45
160D unique to the Player Packs
414 the same as or very similar to the 414-## in the Quick Start directory
414B unique to the Player Packs
414D the same as or very similar to the 414-08
421 the same as or very similar to the 421-## in the Quick Start directory
421B the same as or very similar to the 421-FRED/CAP45
421D unique to the Player Packs
REAR the same as or very similar to the REAR file
ROOM the same as or very similar to the ROOM file


ALL unique to the Player Packs
BAL unique to the Player Packs
CUT the same as or very similar to the CUT-## in the Quick Start directory
FAT the same as or very similar to the OH1F-## in the Quick Start directory
FULL the same as or very similar to the SP2-## in the Quick Start directory
FWD the same as or very similar to the OH1-## in the Quick Start directory
MDRN the same as or very similar to the MDRN-## in the Quick Start directory
RIP the same as or very similar to the RIP-## in the Quick Start directory
VNTG unique to the Player Packs
WARM unique to the Player Packs

Where do the libraries slightly overlap?

Player Pack OH Verbose Library
OwnHammer 112 DVRB  
112 DVRB Bundle
OwnHammer 212 RECT  
212 RECTO Bundle
OwnHammer 212 VC30  
212 VC30 Bundle (212 VC30 BLU-93/GOLD/H30)
Class-A Duo (212 VC30 BLU/M25/SLV)
OwnHammer 412 FMAN  
412 FMAN Bundle
OwnHammer 412 RECT  
412 RECTO Bundle
OwnHammer Cab Pack 3  
Studio Mix Collection
OwnHammer Heavy Hitters I  
Heavy Hitters I
OwnHammer Heavy Hitters II  
Heavy Hitters II

Software & Plugins

Currently In Development
Impulse Responses

Fractal Audio Format
Line 6 Format
Wave Audio Format
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